Mission and Vision

As a company specializing in high-tech systems, mechanical engineering, automation, machining, renewable energy, construction and gas detection technology, Botau is committed to contribute to the viability of our society through the implementation of sustainable and innovative projects. This goal is achieved by utilizing Botau’s technical know-how to solve various industrial and social problems.

Precision, social involvement and customer focus

Precision, social involvement and customer focus are our core values, which guide us in leading (large-scale) international turnkey projects. These values lean back on Botau’s distinguished techno-ethical vision. This vision combines innovation, sustainability and environment-friendliness with strong attention for needs and interests of socially and economically marginalized people.

Morality and sustainability

We have built our reputation not merely on professionalism, but also on our commitment to morality and sustainability as our core principles. All activities and solutions developed by Botau are, therefore, governed by sensitivity and dedication to alleviate negative social and environmental impacts.

We are aware that our current industrial and business decisions will have long-term impacts both on today’s vulnerable groups and next generations. So, we assure our partners and clients to represent our shared human concerns and beliefs.

let's work together
Mission and vision